
  • 8,000 Words-a-Day Follow Up: Attack of the Doubt Malingerers

    First off, I had so many wonderful words of congratulations when I posted about chunking out 8,000 words a day. I figured it was time for a follow up. What do you do with the 50,000 mass-o-words? Well, I got out my big notebook and I drew out a plot sequence, a massive visual outline, […]

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  • Bring on the Light – A Happy Solstice Mash-Up

    Hi all, many apologies for not posting lately, but there are many balls in the air and we’re trying to keep the from crashing and burning. But today is the Winter Solstice, after today the days will get longer and the winter of our discontent will pass. I’ll be taking a break for a bit, […]

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