
  • Still in a Thanksgiving Mood…and it’s NOT the Turkey Talking

    We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner and of course, I ate too much, the turkey was awesome, the conversation light and entertaining, the desserts, plentiful and delicious. But now, the dishes are clean, the silver is stowed for another year. But I’m still in the mood to give thanks. Many of you may know that […]

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  • Why We Need to Talk about Death and Dying

    Cheerful topic, Yes? No? Halloween is really over. Some of you might have heard but I had some sudden news; that while I was in Houston, basking in the glow of Story Masters and the font of all knowledge, back in San Diego my dear half-sister Patty, died. She had been dealing with cancer for […]

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  • Aaron Hotchner in the Mr. Spock School of Forbidden Love

    What the heck is the “Mr. Spock School of Forbidden Love” you ask? And what could it possibly have to do with the hunka-burnin’ man love we know as Aaron Hotchner or “Hotch” on the CBS television show, “Criminal Minds.” Well here goes. Back in the day…. Way back. When the original “Star Trek” was […]

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