To give you an update, my novel is finished and I’m letting it “breathe” awhile before taking up the process of querying agents for representation. In the mean time I am taking a drawing class and another fun, creative project. My husband and I have been cast in a local production of “Tartuffe,” the classic french comedy by Moliere. It’s being produced at Hawaii Pacific University, director by theater professor, Joyce Maltby.
I first fell in love with theatre when I was in high school. I was part of the McKinley Theatre Group, which was basically where all the misfits found a home. I mostly performed jobs back stage and never really did much acting because I used to have terrible stage fright (I know, it’s hard to believe, but back in the day it was true). When I met my husband and discovered that he enjoyed theatre too, it was another signal that he was the One. And he subscribed to all of the local community theatres so that meant lots of shows and meeting many of our local theatre artists. It also brought back many fond memories of my high school theatre days.
Now, we had the chance to make some more memories and have fun together. We went to the auditions and were cast in two small roles. Which is really great, because it means less lines to memorize (in fact I have no lines at all) but you still get to go to rehearsals, get dressed up in costumes and enjoy a little bit of the spot light. I play Flipote who is the ladies maid to Madame Pernelle, a very opionated and bossy lady. My husband plays Monsieur Loyal.
We still have another month of rehearsals, but the show is already coming together. If you don’t know the show, here is the blurb from the university website:
One of Moliere’s most famous comedies, Tartuffe is considered a classic of Western Theatre. First performed in 1664, it satirizes religious hypocrisy using some of the most memorable characters to take the stage. The title character, a wily opportunist and swindler, easily captivates aristocrat Orgon to the potential ruin of his wealth, position, and the virtues of his wife and daughter. It is only through the cunning intervention of his servants and family that Orgon is finally able to see through Tartuffe’s plots.This entertaining story, excellently told, is sure to delight
The play was written in french, in rhymed couplets. There have been many translations, ours has many modern terms to help keep things moving. The staging is hilarious and it’s been a joy watching this group of talented actors bring this show to life.
Here are a bunch of photos I took at our “photo” day when we all got in our costumes to shoot publicity photos.

Here they all are:
The show opens November 15 and plays Wednesdays through Sundays until December 8 (with no show on Thanksgiving Day) For all my local Honolulu friends, click on the HPU Theatre link for ticket information. Thanks so much for stopping by. So, if you had the chance to perform on stage, which character would you like to play? I love hearing from all of you.
Looks like so much fun! Enjoy, Rachel. (It’s on my “bucket list” to participate in a musical someday, somehow.)
Hi Julie, well if you want to try it you should! I bet there are some community or school theatres in your area that would love to have you audition for them. Don’t wait, do it soon. There’s nothing better than ticking off something from your list.
What fun, Flipotte! We will see you soon, as Tartuffeing we will go. Isn’t Joyce awesome?
Hi Shan, she is fabulous and I’m learning so much just watching how she works with everyone. It’s going to be a great show, I look forward to seeing you soon.