Hello world!
Yes, it’s been awhile, I’ve been such a laxidasical blogger, choosing to WORK rather than play with all my web pals. My apologies for abandoning you all, but if I ever want to hit you up to buy one of my books, I figure I want it to be damned worth both your time and your money, hence the slaving away.
I know, I know, I should be BRANDING myself and PRIMAL BRANDING my PLATFORM and coming up with my icon and my creation myth and my ingenious ways to hook you poor souls and make you fall in love with me all over again. But you know, I agree with all of it, I think we all need to do those things, but as I have just turned 50 and in those 50 years on the planet, I’ve come to the great conclusion that if you like me that’s great… and if you don’t like me…. that’s not my problem.
But I do appreciate all the time you have given my by allowing your eyeballs to glance my way, so I thought I’d share with you some photos of a recent vacation trip that will allow you to love/hate me even more. As it turns out, one of my hubsters many talents includes being a member of the AICPA a group of wonderful people who just so happened to celebrate their 125th anniversary, and chose to celebrate said achievement in Washington D.C.
I got to tag along for the ride and unfortunately had to get all dolled up for the occasion.

Yes, I had to undergo the torture of putting on a pretty dress, and jewelry and those shoes (see earlier post)! The event itself took place in the National Building Museum, one of my favorite places in D.C. It was held in the Grand Hall, which is an immense space, as you can see from the following picture.

As you can see the organizers went to some lengths to make the event look smashing. There was the bar:

And they must have called ahead, because wouldn’t you know it, they used my high school colors — black and gold — when designing the table settings.

There was all the pomp, the circumstance of a formal event in our nation’s capital. They even had an eagle… seriously

Yes, after the Air Force Color Guard presented the colors and the trumpeter played the “Star Spangled Banner” a live eagle emerged from the wings (sorry, couldn’t help myself) and flew across from one balcony to the other. It was over the top!
I won’t tell you about the rest, it’s all just boring, there was a Senator who spoke and a three-course meal, and as we ate we had to put up with a 25-piece orchestra playing music. Seriously, I wouldn’t burden you with any more of this drivel. I include it all to say that I am a lucky, lucky, lucky girl.
I’d chose the eagle as my icon, but I think he’s already taken.
So, do you think this was swank enough for you? If you had the chance to get all dolled up where would you like to go? What image of “formal” events have you seen in the media or read in books that you think would be a worthy event to attend?
Thank you ALL so much for being patient with me. I’m so glad you stopped by and I promise, I will be a better blogger and check in more often. I missed you!!!
Great tongue-in-the-cheek account of the anniversary event. You looked awesome in the purple dress. And you have your priorities exactly right. Make the book the best it can be and focus more on the marketing stuff when you’re revising and getting ready for the launch.
wowzer…what an event. I’d be the woman who spills wine on her dress or some other such embarrassing thing. writing comes first. glad you’ve been focused
You and your dress look so lovely, Rachel. And your pictured are so sparkly, especially the dinner table one. Thanks for sharing!
Oh shut up Rachel. Seriously? Lobster ravioli? Drinks? An orchestra? The table setting looked amazing! Fine dining at its best indeed! And you my dear looked gorgeous! I hope you had a wonderful evening and that the shoes worked!
You need to sneak out of that writing cave and post more often Rachel! We miss you! 🙂
Hi ladies! today I realized that I miss hearing from you guys, so I have decided to going back to weekly posts. I’ve done the really hard work of revising the last part of the book, so now I can blast through and write those last pesky 30,000 words, now that I know where I’m going. So, you will hear more sillyness from me next week. And the evening was wonderful, these people do know how to throw a party.
Rachel, I’d be really jeolous, but my dh recently took me to a five star Caribbean restaraunt in …. The Caribbean! No dressing up, but a three course meal that was to die for.
Nancy, how totally cool is that!
Blimey, your life sucks doesn’t it? My eyesight’s not that great, but it looks like you sat on garden furniture in an old train station and tried to eat dinner while some bloke chased the birds from the building. Yeah, that’s rough.
Oh no, wait, I’ve found my glasses. Ah, yes, that’s a cool place, but the live eagle thing is way over the top, even for a town that considers over-the-top standard.
What I want to know is, do you have to do a return dinner date at your place?
Hallo Nigel, thanks so much for popping in. No, thank goodness, don’t have to to the return dinner, can’t imagine having that bunch over in the back garden. They’d trample the flowers! The only thing I could do that would remotely imitate the eagle bit would be the fling the cat around by her tail and I don’t think she’d like that much. Cherrio!
That’s good, I don’t think cat swinging has ever really made it as a popular demonstration … certainly not with cats anyway.
How gorgeous are you in that dress?!? It matches your sparkly personality perfectly. Thanks for sharing the swank. So glad you had fun, for the most part. 😉