Okay, hi-dee-ho, time for another post from the wacky-weirdness of hellafunkadella. Let’s see, we’re working on moving mom into a nursing home! There’s a happy topic? Actually, not so good. How about the news that some old CNN friends being laid off? One after working at the network for 25 YEARS! Ick. No fun there. Getting ready to go to San Diego for a memorial service for my sister? Woot-woot. It’s certainly one of those “make lemonade” kinds of days. So, with no further ado, I turn it over to those crazy, creative kids in Quinhagak, Alaska. My old friend David French posted this on his Facebook page saying: “this offering comes from a small village in Alaska. It was a school computer project intended for the Yupiq villages in the area. Much to the villagers’ shock, over 900,000 people have seen the video.” Sometimes you just have to let the kids take over. Enjoy and can I have a Hallelujah and an Amen!
Making Lemonade As Fast As I F**king can
4 Comments on Making Lemonade As Fast As I F**king can
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That video is pretty awesome. (But did you notice the misuse of apostrophes?) 🙂
I hope things start looking up for you soon! Keep your chin up, and grab a bag of Christmas Kisses to make you feel better in the meantime!
Hi Samantha,
Oh no, the apostraphe police are coming! Cut them some slack, it was a computer class, not English. And things are looking up, I will be my regular smartass self soon. Thanks for stopping by.
I feel for you dealing with so many sad things in your life. It’s tough. Hard to make lemonade out of it, isn’t it? I hope things get better, and I hope your mom gets good care in the nursing home. It will be an adjustment for her, I’m sure. Thank you for that video. It sure put a smile on my face, and we all need that. I can see why it got 900,000 hits.
Hi Lynn,
I just love this video, it is so cute and creative and really endearing.