
  • How Filling out a Form Can Help Perfect Your Novel

    Okay, I know the title has already gotten you going “wha???  Forms?” Yes, forms. Why, because it’s a great way to trick your left brain. You’re looking down the barrel of your next revision and you’d rather pull out your toe nails, right? Instead, tell yourself this, “it’s just a silly one page form, how […]

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  • K. B. Owen’s own Alchemy: “Dangerous and Unseemly”

    It’s Wednesday peeps, and that’s the day we talk about writing and writers. I’m pleased as punch to welcome back our friend K.B. Owen. I am humbled by her greatness and was so thrilled when she asked to stop by Social Alchemy on her blog tour. She has just published her first novel, “Dangerous and […]

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  • Writing Matters: We Are Not Alone: WANA’s Rock!

      In the summer of 2011 I was lucky enough to attend Thrillerfest in New York City. One of the most interesting sessions was conducted by Bob Mayer, a best-selling author of many of the best “boy” books around: military thrillers. The focus of his presentation was lessons he learned in special forces, and how […]

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