• Why is a Writer Spending So Much Time Drawing?

    Oh yeah, I’m really a writer and I haven’t talked about writing in a long time. I’ve been pursuing drawing for a couple of reasons. One, sometimes you just need a break from writing. I write novels, big ones with very complex plots and lots of characters and interesting plot twists. It takes a lot […]

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  • A Drawing a Day: Week Ten with a Happier Tooth

    Hey everyone, I am happy to report that the lonely, painful tooth is feeling all better thanks to all the various therapies applied including dental, massage, and laser lights. But what a toll it took on my energy and enthusiasm. I will say I took the time to relax and I gave my body the […]

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  • Transformation is a Bitch, Ask My Tooth

    This year is turning out to be a year of commitment and major transformations, along with producing a new drawing every day, I’m still writing,  I’m continuing the work that I’ve done with my trainer Sherry and I’ve started a new weight loss program working with a nutritionist. I’ve also begun a new meditation practice […]

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